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Quantum Science and Technology (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip)

Quantum Science and Technology (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip)

Trinity College Dublin




Post Graduate Diploma




1 year full-time

Next intake

September (Autumn Intake) and January/February (Spring Intake).

Entry score

Applicants will be expected to have an Honours Bachelor's degree at 2.1 or above in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Engineering (or equivalent).

The M.Sc. in Quantum Science and Technology consists of six taught modules structured around a cross-cutting introductory module which is designed to equipped students with the foundational information necessary to progress through the remaining modules in the programme.

Modules include: Introduction to Quantum Information Science; Special Topics and the Quantum Industry; Open Quantum Systems; Quantum Material Science; Physical Implementations of Quantum Technology; Quantum Computation and Algorithms; Quantum project/internship

In addition, a tailored internship or project will be offered in industry or academia. The subject matter of each of the modules will draw on the pre-existing strengths of the quantum research excellence in Trinity’s School of Physics.

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