Professional Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychology DEdPsy

Professional Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychology DEdPsy

University College London


United Kingdom






3 years

Next intake


Entry score

English language requirements

The DEdPsy at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society provides BPS and HCPC approved professional training in applied educational psychology, and supports trainee educational psychologists (TEPs) to develop the skills and understandings necessary to operationalise the role of an educational psychologist (EP) in Local Authority settings. The programme effectively synthesises theory and practice through the integration of teaching sessions and professional placement opportunities. The programme is based on contemporary andragogy and models of effective professional learning, and uses contextualised psychological analysis, skills labs and training in video enhanced reflective practice to support the development of professional practice and our assessments are based on the connected curriculum and include professionally relevant skills and practices.

Educational Psychologists (EPs) work with children and young people, aged 0-25 years, their families and allied professionals in a range of different contexts, including schools, and community-based settings, where our trainees will experience supervised practice placements, supported by our outstanding team of experienced practicing EPs. The DEdPsy programme is based on an eco-systemic heuristic and provides comprehensive coverage of the most current theoretical models of applied educational psychology, including coverage of a wide range of special educational needs, mental health and therapeutic needs, and consideration of many other systemic and psycho-social factors that might influence the development of children and young people. The placement experiences in Local Authority EP services facilitates and supports the trainee to apply theory in practice and develop high quality, psychologically informed evidence-based interventions and strategies that will support the inclusion of children and young people within their community and learning contexts.

The programme also aims to develop high quality research skills and the location of the DEdPsy at the world leading IOE provides trainee EPs with the opportunity to engage in innovative research alongside world leaders in the fields of education and psychology, including staff from the Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE) and the Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU).

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