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University College London
United Kingdom
Post Graduate(PG)
1 year
English language requirements
The natural resource industries are critical to the continued development of both technology and society. However, they face challenges on many fronts: environmental and social practice and perception; financial, policy and governmental constraints; geopolitical impact on resource flows and supply chains; technological limitations; inefficient operations; very high levels of energy consumption and the availability of resources into the future.
This programme aims to deliver graduates who have a broad understanding of natural resources: where they come from, how we extract and use them as well as and the consequences of doing so. They will become aware of their socioeconomic responsibilities, will be able to operate within international constraints and will develop insight into the technical complexity of the challenges faced.
This will be key to leading the drive towards a more sustainable future for these industries and society. The programme is multidisciplinary in its approach, drawing upon specialisms across UCL and beyond, and aims to deliver an interdisciplinary outcome for graduates.
The programme is transcontinental (offered by UCL and the University of South Australia (UniSA)), is delivered in London by UCL Chemical Engineering, UCL Earth Sciences, UCL Bartlett, UCL School of Management. In Australia, teaching is delivered by the Future Industries Institute (FII) at UniSA. The programme was designed with input from industry.
Students will be expected to be in London from the start of the first term at the end of September, until the end of the second term at the end of March. Students must then travel to Adelaide, typically beginning studies the week after Easter in April. Studies typically finish in Adelaide at the end of the second full week of September. Final dates for the academic year are confirmed in the first term of studies in London. Details on costs associated with these overseas elements can be found in the additional costs section of this webpage.
UCL is solely responsible for admissions to the programme, and the degree issued is UCL only.
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