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Executive Master in Gestione della Moda e del Lusso

Executive Master in Gestione della Moda e del Lusso

Rome Business School




Post Graduate(PG)




1 year

Next intake


Entry score

This master program encompasses topics central to the field of fashion and luxury management: from cultural and sociological skills to designing strategies aimed at communicating and selling luxury products. You will take on a new way of understanding fashion, starting from its etymology to studying the cultural and consumer sentiment underlying each product or brand.

  1. Analyze the socio-cultural context of the international Fashion and Luxury sector.
  2. Execute a marketing and communication strategy with a specific focus on Fashion and Luxury products, particularly in the Made in Italy market.
  3. Identify future trends in the Fashion and Luxury market, with specific attention to themes such as social and environmental sustainability, equity & diversity.
  4. Implement within a corporate organization a constructive dialogue in defining the image of a brand and/or designer.
  5. Implement within a corporate organization a strategy consistent with the demand of the target market in the Fashion and Luxury sector.

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