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Engineering for Climate Action (P.Grad.Dip.)

Engineering for Climate Action (P.Grad.Dip.)

Trinity College Dublin




Post Graduate Diploma




1 year full-time

Next intake

September (Autumn Intake) and January/February (Spring Intake).

Entry score

Admission to the course is competitive. Applicants will be expected to have an Honours Bachelor’s degree at 2.1 or above, in a STEM subject (such as science, technology, engineering or mathematics), architecture, or a related cognate discipline.

The Diploma in Engineering for Climate Action is aimed at individuals who have recently taken up, or wish to transition into, positions of responsibility for sustainability and climate action, within an existing organisation or as part of a newly formed company delivering support in this area.

Academic and industry experts from engineering, business and psychology deliver the programme and provide students with the knowledge and experience to effectively respond to the climate and biodiversity emergency and make a sustainable impact at an individual, organisational and national level. The course empowers graduates to define balanced solutions to support a low-carbon and resilient future, whilst maximising the value in the life cycle of finite global resources from efficient consumption through to environmental management.

The primary goal of the programme is to develop graduates with technical and non-technical skills achieved through experts from engineering, business and psychology providing unique contributions towards climate action. A core focus of the programme is to support climate action measures in key areas of energy and resource pathways in transport, the built environment and industry through informed and innovative climate action.

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