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Division of Infection and Immunity MPhil/PhD

Division of Infection and Immunity MPhil/PhD

University College London


United Kingdom






3 years

Next intake

Spring, Autumn, Winter

Entry score

English language requirements

Learning from world-leading researchers, you will study the mechanisms that cause and spread disease, and work in close collaboration with scientists who are helping to improve prevention, diagnosis, intervention, and treatment on a global scale. Our graduate training spans human immunology, cancer immunology, pathogen biology and the host-pathogen interaction.

The UCL Division of Infection and Immunity is an internationally renowned centre of research excellence. It includes the Research Department of Infection and the Institute of Immunity and Transplantation. We have strong international links with American, European, and developing world research centres, including the newly established African Health Research Institute in Durban.

One of our key strengths is our work at the interface between basic research and clinical medicine, fostered by UCL Partners, a consortium linking UCL with local major hospital trusts. Our infection and immunology research is helping to advance knowledge and support clinical services in many of the hospitals UCL is linked to. We regularly train clinician scientists, supported by fellowships from the Wellcome Trust, MRC, BBSRC, Rosetrees Trust and others.

You will join a dynamic community of postgraduate students, and benefit from career development advice from supervisors and thesis committees throughout your programme.

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