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Cybersecurity MPhil/PhD


United Kingdom






4 years

Next intake


Entry score

English language requirements

This programme provides you with core skills and knowledge at the forefront of computing, cybercrime, and digital technology policy. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that you achieve deep domain-specific expertise, while developing into individuals who can resolve problems using a range of tools and methods and confident in your ability to work effectively with experts from across the socio-technical divide.

We offer supervision in computing (systems security, cryptography, software security, network security), crime science (cybercrime and policing issues) and in domestic and international policy (digital tech policy, global cybernorms, international peace and security).

You will develop a level of expertise in your topic that incorporates the dimensions covered in our Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) and you will leave with a network of colleagues working in and across these domains.

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